My Sweet Cherry Work Experience Story

by Khadija Hassan

What an experience!

Looking for any kind of experience in the publishing industry is hard, as it is an extremely competitive industry, especially now amid Covid19. Instead, I had to think outside the box so I set off to LinkedIn messaging Lara from Sweet Cherry asking if there was any way I would be able to do any kind of work experience.

Imagine my shock and delight when I received a swift response offering me a virtual experience instead!

Due to the unprecedented times we are living through, my journey has differed to the previous volunteers as I was working from home. Nonetheless, I still learnt a lot, from the moment it struck 10 am on the 15th of June I was greeted with a lovely Zoom call by Divia and I was given a detailed history of Sweet Cherry and how the different roles within the company work together.

I was then sat some tasks to do. Throughout the week I worked with the Marketing team to:

  • write blog posts
  • spot emerging trends in the children’s market
  • create a database of potential clients for the international sales team
  • work on a Father’s Day publicity campaign

I thoroughly enjoyed the tasks I was given, as I had first-hand insight into what exactly went on in a publishing house. I am guilty to say I was one of the many people that thought Editorial was the only role! Although everybody was working from home, I was still dropped welcoming messages online and I really felt like I was part of the team. The week went so fast and I was sad to be leaving by the end but, alas, all good things must come to an end.

I would most definitely recommend a work experience week (or forever) at Sweet Cherry to anyone interested in publishing.

Finally, I would like to say thank you to the Sweet Cherry team for having me it was a pleasure!

Khadija Hassan graduated from Nottingham Trent University with a BA in English and Linguistics.