Hello lovely, lovely readers! I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce some shiny new books and their author to you, our favourite booklovers. We at Sweet Cherry are so delighted to announce the arrival of Stella Tarakson. Stella is writing an exciting series of books that we just couldn’t put down! Gormless Gods and Hapless Heroes promises to be a fun-filled jovial romp that we couldn’t be more pleased with. Its tongue is placed firmly in its cheek as Tim, our kind-hearted protagonist, navigates chores, school and errant Greek gods.

 Which leads me onto the new series! As an historian, I am naturally psyched about this series: it introduces the reader to Ancient Greece and Greek gods in a fantastic way. The shenanigans the gods used to get up to never cease to make me smile and I think the approach Stella takes on them will only highlight the humour in their stories.

 In the first book of the series, Tim Baker is an average, slightly skinny ten-year-old. He goes to school. He eats chicken and chips. He talks to the tiger-skin rug (because, well, why not?). But things haven’t been going brilliantly for Tim since his dad died. His mum has to work two jobs and she’s trying to get her book published, meaning Tim doesn’t get to spend a lot of time with her.  Everything changes when Hercules comes bursting into his life. Tim then has to juggle his schoolwork, find a way to outwit the school bully, Leo, and keep Hercules a secret from his mum. But at least Hercules can protect him now! I think my favourite scene in the book is Hercules fighting the tiger-skin rug, and I’ll leave the rest of that to your imaginations. The events that ensue create a strong friendship between Tim and Hercules and throughout the book you’re rooting for them.

 The thing that makes this book such a pleasure is that it is so well written, so easy to read and the jokes keep coming thick and fast. Tim is both likeable and relatable as a character, and Hercules is so ridiculous you can’t help but like him. Cecilia and I have been having some great discussions and can barely contain our enthusiasm for the world that Stella has created. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely we’ll meet Stella right away, much as we’d love to have a cup of tea with her and talk Greek mythology (and get out of the rain).

 Book one is due for release in Spring 2017 so watch this space!